Bield Equality Network

The Bield Equality Network is an independent group run by tenants and supported by Bield.


The Bield Equality Network work together with staff to improve the awareness and understanding of the needs of people with protected characteristics as well as the services provided to them.  The Bield Equality Network also aims to identify changes or campaigns to promote equality and diversity across Bield.


Who can join?

Any Bield tenant can join the Bield Equality Network.  We aim to have a mix of tenants from all of our different housing services. 


What would my role be?

As a member of the Bield Equality Network, you will be asked to work alongside other tenants and Bield employees to identify actions and campaigns which promote tenant inclusion, particularly for those with protected characteristics, and improve our services.


What commitment would I need to make?

The group is scheduled to meet quarterly but, if a particular project needs more meetings, the group can decide this.  We use a mixture of in-person and virtual meetings.  Don’t worry if you don't have a device to attend virtual meetings, we will work with you to get you what you need.


What if I don’t have the knowledge or experience to be able to take part in this group?

This is one of the most common concerns tenants have when they are asked to take part.  It is not essential to have any particular skill set or experience to be part of the Bield Equality Network.  The most important thing you can bring to the group is your life experience; something which all of us have.  This opportunity is open to all, regardless of background or career.  All we are looking for from you is a desire to help us improve the services Bield provide.


What will I get out of it?

As a member of the Bield Equality Network, you will gain a better understanding of how to meet the needs of tenants with protected characteristics and give you the chance to look at how tenants can get more from Bield in the future.  You will also have the opportunity to work alongside other tenants as part of a team and share your thoughts and ideas.  We hope it will be fun and interesting for you too!


Are members of the Bield Equality Network entitled to expenses?

If you have to travel to attend meetings or undertake work on behalf of the Bield Equality Network, we will reimburse you for all travel costs as well as any money needed for copying or publishing papers and arranging venues.


I’m interested, what next?

Great - we look forward to hearing from you!  Please email:


Bield Equality Network Edited


Older People Rainbow Network

The Older People Rainbow Network is a virtual group to help connect LGBT+ tenants living in housing for older people.  The Older People Rainbow Network meets on the last Wednesday of every month and is open to any LGBT+ person living in housing for older people across Scotland.  For more information, click here.