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Reading your energy meters and getting more support with your energy

Reading your energy meters

If you manage your own energy bills it’s important to feel confident reading your energy meters.  These meters show how much electricity or gas you’ve used, so your energy bills can be more accurate.  

We recommend you give your energy supplier regular meter readings to ensure your bill is accurate, and not based on a prediction of your energy use.  

Depending on your system, you might have an electric meter, which is credit or prepayment.  If you have gas in your home, you’ll also have a separate meter for this.  There’s also lots of different meter types which can make reading them complicated if you aren’t familiar with it.  

Check out the Changeworks energy meter guides here to get specific advice on reading and managing your meters. 

Getting more support with your energy

We understand that energy matters can be daunting, and sometimes you need support.  As Bield are part of the Housing Association Energy Advice Service, you not only have access to our online advice library – but you also have access to tailored advice from the expert advisors at Changeworks. 

The advisors can assist with a range of advice and support including energy saving tips, heating advice, supplier advocacy and energy debt advice and support.  This is free for Bield tenants to access and is completely confidential.  

Whether you have some questions you’d appreciate some advice on, or larger energy problems you need support with, you can refer yourself to get extra support from Changeworks.  This also includes getting printed copies of any advice if you’d prefer.  

You can get in touch with Changeworks to speak to an advisor by calling 0800 870 8800 between 9am-5pm, Monday – Friday.  Alternatively, you can visit: