Repairs Service

We arrange all repairs and maintenance for both your home and communal areas.  The time taken to carry out a repair depends on whether it is considered emergency, urgent or routine.

All of our repair categories are listed below. 


 Repair Categories

Key Information

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 Emergency repairs

These are repairs which, if left unattended, would put you in immediate danger or cause serious damage to your property. 

Examples include no water, burst internal pipes or electrical failures.

We aim to respond to emergency repairs within six hours of them being reported to us.

Gas Safety 

If you smell gas, you should call SGN as soon as possible on 0800 111 999.  Do not turn on any lights or power switches.  You should also open windows and vacate your property.  You can find out more about Gas Safety here.

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 Urgent repairs

These are repairs which, if left unattended, could cause damage to your property. 

An example of an urgent repair is a minor leak.

We aim to respond to urgent repairs within three days of them being reported to us.

Your Right to Repair

The Housing (Scotland) Act 2001 gives you the right to have small, urgent repairs to be carried out by us within set timescales.  This is called the Right to Repair scheme, please click here to find out more.

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Routine repairs

These are minor repairs and adjustments that do not pose a danger to you or damage to your property.

Examples include minor external or plasterwork repairs or adjustments to doors and windows.

We aim to complete all routine repairs within 20 working days of them being reported to us.

Tenant Handbook

For further guidance on repairs, click the icon to view the Tenant Handbook.

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You can report emergency, urgent or routine repairs between 9.00am-5.00pm Monday to Friday by calling 03000 132 162Out with these times, please call 0141 950 1025.

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You can report routine repairs to us via email.  (Please note this mailbox is not monitored 24/7 so should not be used to report emergency or urgent repairs).

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You can also report routine repairs to us online at a time that suits you - 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.  Click here to access our Report a Repair function.